
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2023


It is not known exactly what happened in this particular disaster, there have been many theories about what could have happened, but what we do know is that it only happened this time, there have been more plane crashes where people are miraculously saved by not to be on the plane, but to this day, science has not been able to explain what happened on this particular flight.


 Alex suddenly snaps awake on the plane in his original seat, and realizes what he just experienced was a premonition. Blake and Christa are asking him to switch seats when he panics, running to the seat next to Tod and sees that the tray table is broken. He shouts that the plane is going to explode, prompting Carter Horton to get angry and attempts to assault Alex. This results in Alex and Carter getting kicked off the plane, Terry Chaney immediately follows her boyfriend Carter, Billy Hitchcock who was just entering into the plane is caught in the fight accidentally and he is escorted outside as well, Mr. Murnau and Ms. Lewton go to check their students. Tod later removes himself off the plane when his brother, George Waggner, suggests that he should keep an eye on Alex. Clear Rivers removes herself shortly after Tod. After they are evacuated to the terminal, a co-pilot tells Ms. Lewton that only one high school faculty member can get back to the plane. Mr. Murnau offers to stay,...


  Three years prior, Boeing 747-100 Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (coincidently also traveling from New York to Paris) had suffered a similar fate by similar causes. This caused the American government, as well as several European nations, to temporarily ground all 747 flights. The Airline Bubble followed by the September 11 attacks led to Boeing eventually discontinuing the 747 model.


The investigation of the accident of flight 180 was carried out by the NTSB, the BEA also intervened. The accident was caused by leakage in the plane’s fuel pump, combined with a deteriorated electrical isolator which sparked a fire on the two left engines. The shrapnel expelled from the first set of ignitions teared into the fuselage and opened several holes from which passengers were sucked out off. A third and final explosion tore through the plane as it was heading back to JFK International, breaking the plane apart and plummeting it into the bay below. The whole incident, from takeoff to crash, took less than five minutes; several waiting passengers saw the plane disintegrate from JFK International.


 Volée Airlines Flight 180 (VLÉ 180) was a Boeing 747-200 that exploded and crashed into the Broad Channel in New York City, on May 13, 2000 at around 9:35 EST, shortly after takeoff from John. F. Kennedy International Airport with its final destination as Charles De Gaulle Airport, Paris. All 287 passengers and crew perished on the accident, which remains the deadliest single-plane air crash incident in American history. Amongst the victims were 40 students and 4 teachers from Mt. Abraham High School of southeast New York on a field trip to Paris.

CVR Transcript

(Fr): in french *: rudeness [Background noise: Sounds of engines humming and cabin announcements] Captain: (C) Okay, we're cleared for takeoff. Let's run through the pre-flight checklist one last time. (Fr) First Officer: (FO) Affirmative, Captain. All systems are green. Flaps set to 5 degrees, and the autopilot is engaged. (Fr) [Phone ringtone of the FA] Captain: (C) Yes. What happened? (Fr) Flight attendant: (FA) Listen, we had to get some passengers off the plane, one of them was yelling that the plane was going to explode. (Fr) Captain: (C) Ok. But no one got hurt? (Fr) Flight attendant: (FA) No, but I have a bad feeling. (Fr) Captain: (C) Listen, this is normal, he must have been afraid of flying, don't worry. (Fr) Flight attendant: (FA) Ok? (Fr) [Sound of the captain hanging up the phone] First Officer: (FO) What was it? (Fr) Captain: (C) We were delayed because a passenger said out loud that the plane was going to blow up. (Fr) First Officer: (FO) Oh. Captain: (C) We...